Friday, 4 July 2014

june part 3

on Tuesday the 24th June, dad was meant to get his motorised wheelchair that didn't happen as M.N.D had other plans, we had just started overnight feeds though the peg and this morning dad was having a huge choking and coughing fit, the district nurse had been to give us some equipment for in case the peg tube came out and also to check a pressure sore that was starting to form,
she had just left when dad had another fit, I managed to calm down and then Steph the OT turned up with his chair and together we decided that dad should go to the hospital, the ambulance was called once again and the ambo was also called Les McKay with family from cathiness region.

we were in the er for about 4 hours while they arranged a room at the hospice for dad,  an aorund 7pm we were transferred there,

while at the hospice they put dad on morphine for the cough ( amazing stuff stopped the cough almost completely) and then on Buscopan which help really well in drying up the saliva .

on Thursday the radiologist had had a chance to look at dad's xray from the er on Tuesday and noted that a small part of the back of dad's lung had collapsed and might have started a bit of an infection so he was put on another round of antibiotics, he was also given a driver ( a piece of equipment that pushes a syringe down slowly to release medicine) and was taken off night feeding after another round of coughing and choking
thins were looking better till sunday when he really when down hill after another coughing fit 

we started a Liverpool care pathway ( form of standardised care for those in their last days) about what we would like to happen between now and his passing and then after his passing

we all sat with day all of Monday with mum staying the whole night and then again on Tuesday till he passed around 215 in the afternoon

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