Friday, 4 July 2014

june part 1

June 2014 part one

this month was was the most Horrible month,
first off  on Thursday just before queens birthday week end here dad decided to tell us he was having breathing problems, so we ended up call the ambulance again and ended up having a 3 day stay in hospital  due to a possible lung infection, they gave him so antibiotics and fluids as he was also dehydrated from not being able to drink enough,

the following week he got to have his peg operation which was meant to be an in and out on the same day event, but due to waits ended up in another overnight stay for dehydration. the little patch behind his ear is a sick sicken patch which is meant to help dry up all the saliva, he had been trying to drink this product
but had been getting bad coughing and choking fits and found that the peg made it easier to give dad enough fluid and calories with the main to put some weight back on  he is about 72kg in this photo  all seem to be going ok at this time

and we had just got the news that a motorised wheel chair was arriving for dad in a week or 2

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