Friday, 23 August 2013

How is it affect Dad?

Dad's MND presented late last year with a limp in his left leg, which has gotten more pronounced over time and also gets worse as he gets more tired. So at times he needs to use a cane to walk with, at other times he has to lift his leg to move it if he is getting in and out of cars or when sitting in a chair.
The muscle wastage caused by the MND has caused his foot to drop as the muscles are unable to hold it flat, this causes him to stub his toes, stumble, trip and fall over, yesterday he was fitted with an AFO (ankle foot orthosis). which keeps his foot up and stops him tripping

He also has muscle issues with his tongue and mouth area which affect his speech and ability to swallow and talk. The swallowing issues can make him choke when he is trying to eat and drink, so he has to take his time and have meals which are wetter and easy to swallow, this also causes him to cough heaps as if he has a bad cold and is trying to cough up mucus.
The speech problems are more noticeable again when he is tired, yo  have to be in the same room as him, and sometimes he has to repeat him self for you to understand him, this is compounded with  the fact he has two hearing aids due to hearing loss from jobs so himself has difficulty hearing you

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